

Alan Morton is passionate about continuing to hone and develop the habits of a high performers in himself and in others.

As Managing Director, he works closely with his clients to ensure that they have the right habits, tools and processes to drive revenues, increase productivity and develop high performance sales cultures.

Habits are repeatable thoughts and actions that we do unconsciously. In this episode, Alan offers practical steps and processes on how to form, change, enhance and maintains our habits.

Practical Tools & Processes

  1. Unconscious Incompetence, Conscious incompetence, Conscious Competence, Unconscious Competenc
  2. Start – Stop – Continue
  3. Form a habit – Break out the unconscious through asking for feedback – use the Johari Window 
  4. Have a clear focus: Clearly define the behaviour/s and attitude/s you’re looking to develop
  5. Find Mentors and Coaches to hold you accountable
  6. Develop affirmations 
  7. See failure as an opportunity to learn
  8. Break things down into small steps – Vision = Focus = Daily Results

Books Mentioned

  • Maxwell Maltz : Psycho-Cybernetics
  • Matthew Syed – Blackbox Thinking
  • The Miracle Morning – Hal Elrod
  • Getting Things Done – David Allen

Quotes Mentioned

We are what we repeatedly do, Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit. Will Durant

Inch by Inch you form a stitch, yard by yard it gets harder. John Bytheway

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it will achieve. Napoleon Hill

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Do you have questions?

What’s Mike & Ros up to?

  • Mike – Blogging www.metricdrivenselling.com
  • Ros – Launching her new venture www.powherfullpeer.co.uk
  • In search of Coaches & Mentors for the show
  • Apply for Mike or Ros to Coach or Mentor by emailing us at support@cm-unwrapped.com , please be specific with your ask.


  • If you’d like to sponsor our show, please write to us at support@cm-unwrapped.com

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The Adonteng’s