
Sometimes your best coaches are people you might never end up meeting. In this episode, Mark shares his experiences from starting out as a young mentee who had a vision and a focus to ensure his goals were achieved. Now as a Coach and Mentor, he speaks about some of the tools and processes he leverages to support others in achieving their goals.

Practical Tools & Processes

  1. Document your core attributes
  2. Map out a grid – What relationships are valuable, what attributes do you need to acquire, who have you witnessed those within
  3. Research potential mentors and ask for informal meet-ups with a clear agenda, leveraging platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram etc
  4. Be Pro Active, Set yourself an end goal and take ACTION
  5. Be your authentic self and be genuine
  6. List 8-10 contacts, group then into mentors, coaches and sponsors. Decide for every contact what you can give and not just take
  7. S.T.A.R Methodology- Situation Task Action Results

Books & Authors Mentioned

  • The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People- Stephen R Covey
  • Simon Sinek
  • Option B – Sheryl Sandberg & Adam Grant
  • Give and Take – Adam M. Grant


You never know where someone is going to end up, it’s not just about your reputation, it’s about being there for other people – Adam M. Grant

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